The Ripcord Moment
The Ripcord Moment
How to Embrace Failure & Trust Your Intuition As a Business Owner | The Ripcord Moment (Ep. 31)
On this episode of The Ripcord Moment, host Joe Seetoo welcomes Julia Schieffer, founder of DerivSource. DerivSource is an independent information source on derivatives, post-trade, fintech, risk management and technology that she sold to Markets Media in 2021.
Julia encourages owners and leaders to listen to their gut. If you feel passionate about an idea, be persistent with your vision even if other people shoot it down. If it does not work out, know that trial and error are integral to finding success and creating uniqueness. Julia reframes failures as “experiments” and knows that they are for her ultimate good.
She also urges owners to detach themselves from their business when it’s time to let go. Although the business might feel like it is a part of your identity, many owners ultimately suffocate their company because they do not allow themselves to trust another entity or owner to give it new life.
Finally, Julia urges owners to know their worth and what they truly want. Write down a couple of your own goals (not what you think people want from you), and never waver from these core aspirations. She also encourages owners to build a strong transition team and surround themselves with a reliable team of lawyers, advisors, and other professionals.